Opportunity Listings
Artengine Artlist
Located at 2 Daly Avenue, Artengine is an artist-run lab which brings together creatives from a range of disciplines (“artists, technologists, researchers”) to consider the intersections of art, culture and technology through collaboration and production. Artengine Artlist is a way for audiences/creatives to stay in the loop about cultural programming/events in the Ottawa region. Follow the Artengine Community Calendar to stay informed about current and upcoming opportunities, events, and more.
Arts Network Ottawa Opportunities page
The calls/jobs/opportunities board through Arts Network Ottawa provides a space for creative listings including arts jobs, auditions, volunteer opportunities and more.
Akimbo Newsletter
Akimbo: “Canada’s Online Source for Visual Culture Information”. Akimbo will publish a wide range of material and content from exhibition reviews to artist spotlights. On their website, you can stay up to date on calls for submissions as well as job opportunities.
Apartment 613-Monthly Jobs Alert
On the first Monday of every month, Apartment 613 posts their “Monthly Jobs Alert”.